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Project Engineer (Data Science and AI) - Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

We are excited to invite applications for the position of Project Engineer (Data Science and AI) within our SA-FLaaS project (Secure and Accurate Federated Learning as a Service).

As a Project Engineer, you will play a crucial role in advancing decentralized machine learning and contributing to cutting-edge solutions.

- Actively participate in the development of our state-of-the-art machine learning platform.
- Conduct foundational research and contribute to product development, continuously improving research, development, and innovation processes.
- Drive feature development, optimize algorithms, and enhance user experience using cutting-edge technologies.
- Collaborate with peers and stakeholders during design reviews to select the most suitable technologies.
- Review code from other engineers, providing constructive feedback to maintain best practices, coding standards, accuracy, testability, and efficiency.
- Contribute to existing documentation and educational content, adapting materials based on product updates and user feedback.

- Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field, or equivalent practical experience.
- Experience: A minimum of 2 years of software development experience using languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript, or C/C++. Candidates with 1 year of experience and an advanced degree are also encouraged to apply.
- Technical Skills: Proficiency in data structures and algorithms gained through academic or industry work.
- Communication: Fluent English communication and writing skills.

Preferred Qualifications:
- Research Skills: Strong background in deep learning, distributed/federated machine learning, and familiarity with frameworks like PyTorch or TensorFlow.
- Knowledge: Understanding of Differential Privacy and Federated Learning concepts.
- Frameworks: Experience with Federated Learning frameworks such as OpenFL, Flower, or TensorFlow Federated is advantageous.
- Algorithm Development: Proven ability to create new algorithms or system-algorithm co-design for federated or distributed training platforms.

- We work in a multidisciplinary expert community where knowledge and experiences are shared, fostering professional development and collaboration across diverse fields.
- With us, you’ll get an opportunity to develop and deepen skills towards the top of your field, with the freedom and flexibility to contribute to scientific research, educational curricula development, and innovative project activities.
- At Turku UAS, we enjoy comfortable working environments in the modern campus area in Kupittaa, Turku, providing an inspiring and conducive atmosphere for research and collaboration.

The position is subject to a 6-month trial period.

In this position, work must be carried out in Finland.

We value diversity in our work community, welcoming applicants from different backgrounds, including people of different ages, genders, languages, cultures, or minority groups.

Turku University of Applied Sciences, The Faculty of Engineering and Business, Kupittaa campus, Turku

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Head of Education and Research Tero Reunanen, +358 44 907 4592
Application Channel: Submit an electronic application via Apply for the position

About us

Turku UAS is a community of 12,000 people. Our community consists of teachers, experts, and students – professionals in different stages of their careers. In the coming years, we will search and recruit a number of specialists in different fields.

As a workplace, we promise you flexibility and freedom to develop your field and to develop yourself. We share our expertise with our colleagues, and we will not stop learning. Turku UAS employs professionals from circus teachers to AI specialists, and from digital marketing advisors to emergency nursing lecturers.

Turku UAS is one of the biggest universities of applied sciences in Finland. We offer you the support provided by a multiprofessional expert organization, and interesting assignments while working with future professionals and our versatile research, development and innovation (RDI) projects. Internationality is part of everyday life to us, and our partner networks are extensive. We work in Turku and Salo in comfortable workspaces which offer you a modern environment and devices to specialist work, teaching as well as research and development.

Come and work with us.

Joukahaisenkatu 3
20520 Turku

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Sivun tiedot
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Kuntarekrystä löytyy tuhansia avoimia työpaikkoja kaikkialta Suomesta.

Työnhakijoille tarjoamme työvälineet työpaikkojen, sijaisuuksien ja keikkatöiden hakemiseen sekä tietoa työskentelystä kuntaorganisaatioissa ja hyvinvointialueilla.

Työnantajille - kunnille, kaupungeille, hyvinvointialueille, kuntayhtymille ja kuntien omistamille yrityksille - tarjoamme rekrytoinnin ohjelmisto- ja asiantuntijapalveluja, jotka sopivat ulkoiseen ja sisäiseen rekrytointiin sekä sijaisuuksien hallintaan.

Verkkopalvelussamme käytetään evästeitä käyttäjäkokemuksen parantamiseen. Käyttämällä palvelua hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Katso palvelun tietosuojaseloste, tietosuojalauseke sekä saavutettavuusseloste.

Palautetta sivustosta voit lähettää osoitteeseen: tai lomakkeella.


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