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Post-doctoral Researchers - Hämeen ammatillisen korkeakoulutuksen kuntayhtymä
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Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) is seeking post-doctoral researchers to solve challenges related to society and business life.

The post-doctoral period has become an increasingly significant part of researchers’ overall education and career path in the multiannual plan for the use of central government R&D funding. At HAMK, we engage in research cooperation with companies and partners to make the world a better place. Education and research seamlessly support each other and produce practical, meaningful outcomes that promote vitality, well-being and sustainability in our society. HAMK is now seeking Post-doctoral Researchers for a programme aimed at improving multi-disciplinary and solution-oriented research and strengthening researchers’ workplace-oriented career paths.

Post-doctoral Researcher’s duties include
- Research and development
- Acquiring domestic and international RDI funding that boosts business life
- Possibly some teaching/student guidance
- Networking

The selected person is expected to have
- Suitable doctoral education (more detailed description of competences below)
- Interest in applying for both national and international research funding
- Proof of and enthusiasm for international scientific publication
- Ability to cooperate and work in English

We also appreciate
- Travel readiness and willingness to engage in international activities
- Experience of problem-oriented approach to work, e.g., at an industrial or business interface
- Interest in and capabilities for teaching duties

The position is fixed-term for two years, starting on 1 December 2024 or as agreed.

Relevant subject areas and the required competence:

1. Future professional competence and learning at work

Knowledge of the following subject areas (or some of them) is required
- Workplace learning environments and learning at work
- Development of professional competence and expertise in education and at work
- Cooperation solutions between education and workplaces

Strong digital competence and work experience in business are considered advantageous.

For further information, please contact:
Martti Majuri, Director of HAMK EDU Research Unit,, +358 40 587 9883
Liisa Postareff, Leading Research Scientist,, +358 50 570 2484
Mika Tammilehto, Principal Research Scientist,, +358 50 434 7888

2. Learning and innovation capacity of organisations

Knowledge of the following subject areas (or some of them) is required
- Increasing/supporting the learning and innovation capacity of organisations
- Significance of learning in regional innovation ecosystems
- Increasing/supporting entrepreneurship and innovation capability

Good skills in qualitative and/or quantitative research methods are also required. Strong digital competence and work experience in business are considered advantageous.

For further information, please contact:
Martti Majuri, Director of HAMK EDU Research Unit,, +358 40 587 9883
Liisa Postareff, Leading Research Scientist,, +358 50 570 2484
Mika Tammilehto, Principal Research Scientist,, +358 50 434 7888

3. Fungal biotechnology

Knowledge of the following subject areas (or some of them) is required:
- Development of fungal cultivation methods
- Production of fungal metabolites (e.g. pigments, enzymes, etc.)
- Development of fungal food applications

The postdoc is a professional in future-oriented biotechnology, bioprocess engineer, molecular biology or another relevant field and is willing to work with innovative, yet industry-driven, research on fungal technologies. The postdoc will address the potential of fungal biomolecules and materials in the sustainable production of food, biochemicals or other products using practical approaches in a multidisciplinary research environment.

For further information, please contact:
Ulla Moilanen, Principal Research Scientist,, +358 50 574 5192

4. Problem solver promoting comprehensive systemic change in built environment

The position requires knowledge of regenerative design in built environment. Expertise may focus on:
- Comprehensive solutions for climate change and environmental change between technical, ecological and social networks in the urban environment and/or
- Combining vegetation and grey structures in the more and more compact urban structure from the viewpoints of climate and nature, such as green walls, green roofs or various stormwater management structures

Proof of solving multi-disciplinary problems and strong methodological competence are considered advantageous.

For further information, please contact:
Outi Tahvonen, Principal Research Scientist,, +358 40 351 9352

5. Printed intelligent electronics in wearable textiles

We are seeking a Post-doctoral Researcher to join our innovative team that is focused on developing cutting-edge, wearable smart textiles. Your responsibilities are the following:
- Circuit and printed circuit board design: Design electronic circuits and printed circuit boards (PCBs) that are compact, energy-efficient and tailored for integration into wearable textiles
- Prototyping and testing: Build and rigorously test prototypes to ensure that they meet the stringent requirements of wearable technology, focusing on durability, flexibility and performance
- Innovation in wearable tech: Explore and implement advancements in sensor technology, energy harvesting, flexible electronics and wireless communication protocols specifically for wearable applications
- Material integration: Integrate electronic components into fabrics in a way that maintains the textiles’ properties while enhancing functionality

The position requires cross-functional (transdisciplinary) collaboration in order to engage with a multidisciplinary team - including fashion and product designers, UX/UI designers and software developers - to ensure cohesive product development from concept to market.

For further information, please contact:
Jukka Pulkkinen, Director of HAMK SMART Research Unit,, +358 50 461 8927
Satu Jumisko-Pyykkö, Principal Research Scientist,, +358 50 352 2837

6. Systemic and intelligent human-centered robotics

We are seeking an innovative Post-doctoral Researcher to join our customer-focused team that is focused on developing and integrating an intelligent robotic as workmates in SMEs:
- A background in human-centered technology adoption, acceptance of technology and systems thinking with which to lead and support the novel use of robotics in SMEs
- Expertise in human-centered design and user experience in industrial contexts and a wide range of different types of companies
- A technical background, a background in robotics is considered an especial advantage as well as business understanding. We aim to get robots as workmates in SMEs and you will work to support a team which has a strong knowledge of robotics and AI

For further information, please contact:
Jari Kaikkonen, Senior Specialist,, +358 50 400 7890
Alireza Zourmand, Principal Research Scientist,, +358 50 475 5130

The applications must be submitted through Kuntarekry by 27.10.2024.
The applicant must state the position they apply for (1-6) in their application.

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Martti Majuri, Director of HAMK EDU Research Unit,, +358 40 587 9883

About us

We provide solutions for raw material production, the circular economy, sustainable construction and the built environment, and future skills and education. Around these themes, we are forming three research ecosystems together with our partners: SmartBio, SmartBuilt and SmartEdu. We seek innovative solutions in partnership with businesses, industry, the public and third sectors, research and education organisations. Our hands-on projects and long-term research help companies to move forward in product development and contribute to vitality and competitiveness. In the multidisciplinary ecosystems, we combine our high-level applied research expertise with the needs of a changing world.

Visamäentie 35 A
13100 Hämeenlinna

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