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Degree Programme Leader - Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu
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This is the way towards a dream job in Savonia University of Applied Sciences! We are looking for a skilled, motivated and internationally oriented Degree Programme Leader to join our team in the Savonia's Department of Environmental Engineering.

Are you an environmental engineering professional? Do you want to utilize your expertise in international networks and development tasks?

As a Degree Programme Leader your primary duties include developing an international joint degree programme on environmental engineering, teaching and RDI activities. The main workplace is in Savonia campus in Kuopio, but the work also requires willingness to work short periods in China. We expect you to have good oral and written English skills.

The key responsibilities of a Degree Programme Leader will include:
- Developing and coordinating international joint degree programme
- Teaching
- Participating in RDI activities

You should have demonstrated experience in environmental engineering field, excellent communication skills and a passion for international networking. Your operations will be supported by the diverse teams of environmental engineering and international development experts.

- Master level degree in Environmental Engineering or other engineering discipline
- Experience in teaching
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team
- Willingness to work short periods abroad

Employment terms and salary will be determined according to the Sivista collective agreement for universities of applied sciences. The final salary is based on employee's work experience and education. The position will be filled for the time being from 1 January 2025 and is full-time. The position includes a probationary period of 6 months.

The application period for the position ends on October 13, 2024. Please send your application electronically via Kuntarekry (

We value equality and diversity within our work community. Through responsible leadership, we aim to enable meaningful and effective work in one of Finland's best workplaces. At Savonia, the development and well-being of our staff are highly important. We organize various recreational events, and our staff have access to comprehensive employee benefits, such as Epassi (sports, culture, well-being, commuting), an employee bicycle scheme, SYKETTÄ sports services, and occupational health care services. At our campuses, we provide our staff with coffee, tea, and cocoa during the workday. Additionally, we encourage continuous learning among our staff and offer them the opportunity to study free of charge at Savonia's Open University of Applied Sciences. We are also proud of our community's achievements and regularly reward our staff for their successes.

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Director of Continuous Learning Riitta Turjamaa, puh. +358447856413,

About us

We want to be the best higher education community in Finland – come and join us to make dreams new careers!

We have over 600 employees. In Savonia you can work in a multidisciplinary manner in teaching, research, development and innovation activities as well as in higher education services. Our campuses are located in three lively locations in Finland: Kuopio, Iisalmi and Varkaus. In addition to nearly 8000 students, Savonia actively serves the surrounding business life, which enables both teaching and learning to be close to working life. The key success factors in our operations are wide-ranging cooperation, networking and internationality.

This is the way how we want to lead the way in creating a work culture where well-being is built on trust, community and meaningful work. Welcome to work in one of the best and inspiring workplaces in Finland!

Microkatu 1
70201 Kuopio

  • Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu - Panostamme perehdytykseen Introlla
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    Other information related to the task

  • Remote work: Partial remote work possibility
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