Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue
Key: VARHA25-02-3-25
Tampereen kaupunki
Key: TRE-01-1266-24
Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue
Key: OVPH-16-3-25
Rauman kaupunki
Key: RAU-10-4-25
Lempäälän kunta
Key: LEM-02-1-25
Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue
Key: VARHA25-02-2-25
Kemin kaupunki
Key: KEMI-02-1-25
Enontekiön kunta
Key: ENO-01-7-24
Kurikan kaupunki
Key: KUR-01-1-25
Vieremän kunta
Key: VIEREMÄ-02-1-25
Key: 639003
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
Key: HAMK-01-414-24
Espoon kaupunki
Key: ESPOO-04-7-25
Eurajoen kunta
Key: EURAJ-03-6-25
Naantalin kaupunki
Key: NLI-05-1-25
Loimaan kaupunki
Key: 638806
Rauman kaupunki
Key: RAU-10-3-25
Porin kaupunki
Key: PORI-01-18-24
Parikkalan kunta
Key: 638546
Rauman kaupunki
Key: RAU-10-1-25
Rauman kaupunki
Key: RAU-10-2-25
Jämsän kaupunki
Key: JAMSA-01-2-25
Akaan kaupunki
Key: 637150
HSL Helsingin seudun liikenne -kuntayhtymä
Key: 638651
Open Administrative and Office Jobs in Municipalities and Wellbeing Services Counties
Are you looking for new challenges in public sector administration or office work? The open administrative and office jobs offered by municipalities and wellbeing services counties provide you with the opportunity to influence and develop the operations and efficiency of municipalities and wellbeing services counties. In administrative roles, you can work in areas such as financial or human resources management, legal services, or demanding leadership positions like municipal or city manager. These roles bring responsibility and the chance to enhance both your own skills and the services of municipalities and wellbeing services counties.
In office work, you can play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth running of daily operations or in developing municipal marketing and communications. Tasks range from office clerk and service manager roles to specialist positions in marketing and communications, as well as career guidance and work ability coaching. There is a constant need for diverse skills in municipalities and wellbeing services counties, so it is worth regularly checking for open positions!