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  • Management and office work

    Open Administrative and Office Jobs in Municipalities and Wellbeing Services Counties

    Are you looking for new challenges in public sector administration or office work? The open administrative and office jobs offered by municipalities and wellbeing services counties provide you with the opportunity to influence and develop the operations and efficiency of municipalities and wellbeing services counties. In administrative roles, you can work in areas such as financial or human resources management, legal services, or demanding leadership positions like municipal or city manager. These roles bring responsibility and the chance to enhance both your own skills and the services of municipalities and wellbeing services counties.

    In office work, you can play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth running of daily operations or in developing municipal marketing and communications. Tasks range from office clerk and service manager roles to specialist positions in marketing and communications, as well as career guidance and work ability coaching. There is a constant need for diverse skills in municipalities and wellbeing services counties, so it is worth regularly checking for open positions!

    Communication 13 open jobs Development and project work 20 open jobs Financial administration 27 open jobs Legal services 4 open jobs Management in general administration 10 open jobs Marketing 4 open jobs Office work 35 open jobs Other management and office work 55 open jobs Purchase 6 open jobs Staff management 19 open jobs Tourism and industrial sector 7 open jobs Työllisyyspalvelut 27 open jobs

    Kuntarekry - Find jobs in Finland

    For Job Seekers we provide tools to find jobs and substitutes and information on working in the municipal sector and wellbeing services counties. Most job advertisements and application forms are available only in Finnish or Swedish. The recruitments in English are listed here.

    For Employers - municipalities, cities, joint municipal authorities, municipal-owned businesses and wellbeing services counties we provide recruitment software and expert services that are suitable for external and internal recruitment as well as recruitment management.

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