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Educational organisations recruit

Did you know, that you find the open positions of different educational organisations in Kuntarekry?

For example universities of applied sciences and vocational schools are constantly recruitning new talents. In addition to teachers and counselors, they are looking for project workers, administrative workers, communication specialists, IT specialists and support staff, such as cleaners, chefs and customer service workers.

On this page you will find information about job possibilities in different educational organisations. Learn more and find your career path!

Teaching and guidance work

Teachers are the largest group of personnel in educational organisations. There are a lot of vocational teacher positions in different fields as well as guidance counselor and planner positions open all around Finland.

Some of the positions can also include research, development and networking in projects of one's own field. This depends on the organisation and job description.

Open positions in teaching and guidance

Versatile expert work

Project work

Most vocational schools and universities of applied sciences have constant development and research work in project of different fields. There are different level positions that are permanent or temporary.

Administrative services

There are also hundreds of specialists working in different administrative positions in educational organisations. Depending on the employer, there are versatile jobs in for example HR, financial management and legal services.

IT and communications

There are many IT, communication and marketing professionals taking care of everyday life and the visibility of operations. There are different leadership and expert level positions in these fields in educational organisations.

Support services

In educational organisations, there are also thousands of support staff from different fields. There is need for cleaners, property maintenance workers, customer service workers and restaurant workers in versatile positions.

Learn more about job opportunities:

See all open positions in educational organisations

Employer of the month: Valkeakosken ammattiopisto VAAO Get to know the employer (in Finnish)

Articles (in Finnish)

On website you can also find tips for job search and information about worklife and using the job portal (in Finnish).

Read articles

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Popular regions Uusimaa Varsinais-Suomi Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Pirkanmaa Pohjois-Savo Show all
Popular cities Turku Oulu Espoo Lahti Jyväskylä Show all
Popular profession categories Management and office work Teaching and culture Social sector Technical sector Health care sector Show all
Popular professions Other work in early childhood education Class teachers Nurses Practical nurses Subject teachers Show all
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Kuntarekry - Find jobs in Finland

For Job Seekers we provide tools to find jobs and substitutes and information on working in the municipal sector and wellbeing services counties. Most job advertisements and application forms are available only in Finnish or Swedish. The recruitments in English are listed here.

For Employers - municipalities, cities, joint municipal authorities, municipal-owned businesses and wellbeing services counties we provide recruitment software and expert services that are suitable for external and internal recruitment as well as recruitment management.

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