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    The website uses cookies to keep the service functional. Cookies also help in collecting data about visits on the site. With this data we try to enhance the quality and content on this site. We never disclose visitor information gathered by cookies to third parties. If you wish, you can block cookies from your browser.

    We use session and tracking cookies. Session cookies are retained in temporary memory as long as your online session lasts and erased when you close your browser. Tracking cookies retain as long as they are deleted from the browser.


    The website uses a analytics software. For it's functionality, we store a tracking identifier to browsers IndexedDB datastore. IndexedDB is a key/value store that is supported on all modern browsers.

    Collected information

    • time of visit
    • address of the page you visit
    • id of interaction
    • user's role in the system
    • user's organisation in the system
    • tracking identifier
    • language of the page
    • open browser windows
    • browser's name and version
    • operating system's name and version
    • referring url

    Error monitoring

    We use a third party error monitoring ( Error monitoring tracks javascript errors on this website.

    Browser storage

    User's favorite job advertisements and employer organisations are stored to browser's IndexedDB storage. The data is stored as a list of advertisement and organisation identifiers (ID). With these ids the website can show to the same user on a same device and browser these lists. When the user visits the website from another browser the data isn't available. The same storage is used in generating recommended jobs for the user.

    Third-party plug-ins

    The website uses third-party plug-ins. Third-party analytics software (Google analytics) stores a tracking cookie. With this cookie the software can track returning visit from the same user.

    The website uses third party video players (Youtube, Vimeo ja Dreambroker). Third-party applications are subject to the terms and conditions of the service provider in question.

    Subscription content

    The website allows users to subscribe for email job alerts. Multiple RSS feeds are also subscribable.

    Storage management

    If you do not want to allow storing of cookies or the use of browser storage you can modify yout browser's settings. You can use incognito mode or private browsing. This can be done before of during the visit to the website. On mobile devices you can modify device settings and application settings for your browser. You can block third-party tracking with the help of Your Online Choices site.


    Kuntarekry - Find jobs in Finland

    For Job Seekers we provide tools to find jobs and substitutes and information on working in the municipal sector and wellbeing services counties. Most job advertisements and application forms are available only in Finnish or Swedish. The recruitments in English are listed here.

    For Employers - municipalities, cities, joint municipal authorities, municipal-owned businesses and wellbeing services counties we provide recruitment software and expert services that are suitable for external and internal recruitment as well as recruitment management.

    Our web service uses cookies to improve the user experience. By using this service you agree to our use of cookies. privacy policy and privacy notice and accessibility statement.

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    Kuntarekry is produced by Grade Solutions.